Saturday, May 9, 2009

Bags, bags, bags...

Shopping bags are an important form of advertisement because they’re everywhere and everyone gets one because everyone goes shopping at some point in time. These bags are so hilarious! I think they get the message across to viewers because it catches your eye immediately. If I were walking past someone who was carrying one of these bags, I’d look twice. I’d want to know where and what store those bags came from. Heck, I’d probably just buy something from the store to get the bag. Ha! Very appealing!

1 comment:

  1. I've seen these bags and it makes me jealous that we don't have any shops around here that are this creative lol. I think it's such a good idea to make your bags memorable because it extends your brand beyond just the consumers who frequent your store. They make an impact on people and they're memorable, which is was good design should be.
